Back to the Grinding

(A thousand pardons….I’ve taken almost a month off from my blogging duties. I think it will become apparent why this happened if you are patient enough to wade through the next dozen or so posts.)

The drive home commenced more/less on schedule…the wrong schedule.

Cathy seemed to think Meredith and Richard flew at 1:30 p.m., however, they needed to be on the plane by 12:30! We arrived thinking they had plenty of time at 12:15 and were more than a little surprised when the airline rushed them right to the plane!

She also had a tour planned of the old Alexander Film works planned for 6 p.m. in Colorado Springs and we just roared into town at 6:30! It was a homecoming, but not a great homecoming.

Yikes!! Some horizontal rest time was in order!

 The next day………

There are still traces of smoke and the smell of dirty ash trays about the city, but the Waldo Canyon fire is almost completely contained. The weather is hot and we are WAY behind on chores again.

Friday we had lasagna made by Craig Little reminiscent of our days on the boat at Lake Powell. The Agnew’s and Logan’s were there and as usual, we had no trouble sharing stories and lots of laughs.

Cathy’s Musical Mondays in the Park Concert got rained out, but the almost 2″ of rain over the weekend was a real gift and the mudslides people were worried about in Mountain Shadows did not materialize.



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