
Sometimes gates are there to keep you out. This one, however, invites you to enter and participate.


Welcome. This is Skip Mundy’s new toy. There are links to the old toy SkipLog if you need to go back and check something. This blog is more experimental than the last, and will link to lots of other aspects of our very interconnected lives.

As with most blogs, the older comments are at the bottom, and after 20 or so posts, the oldest ones go to a place called the “Archive”.

I soon will ask you to log in one time so that I can see who is visiting the site. At that time you can select an option to get an email when there is a new post instead of having to come back to multiple disappointments when I’m off doing other things.


3 Responses to Welcome

  1. Richard Amari says:

    Love the new site, Skip!

  2. Skip says:

    Thanks, Richard. I need to put more time into developing the other pages, but for now the blog entries will have to suffice.

  3. whaffey says:

    Nice work on the new blog?

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